Saturday, January 30, 2010


How are we going to stay on track? 
I am going to continue going to the gym as much as I can. This is already becoming a problem because of school. not ok. I also saw a tae kwon do place today that offers cardio kickboxing, I might have to check that out. it sounds pretty awesome. I think I just need to keep things new and exciting. any suggestions? I like taking walks; I should do that more. Hopefully the gym will start to be more enjoyable. I love it don't get me wrong, but it's the new year and it's always packed, I used to go when there was no body there, but now i'm forced to go during rush hour so I'm not as excited to go. Like having 25-30 people in yoga compared with 5, it's just different. I think tomorrow is spin day, wish me luck, my back just a little sore, but I do feel stronger so that's a plus. happy sunday. 

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