Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's going to be a long week, fun, but long.

It's the sunday before the semester starts and I'm dog sitting this week. I am trying to plan out my meals for this week so I'm not caught being super hungary and busy-this will lead to drive-thru syndrome and once I catch it, it's very hard to get rid of. I have Alli tomorrow so we'll go to the gym and make dinner together, should be fun. On tuesday I start classes and have to watch Elliot, super cute dog. Wednesday, the day I'm most worried about. I'm watching both nieces that day so I'm trying to plan a fun/healthy lunch that all of us can be a part of. Then I'm going to sushi with a friend. Thursday should be alright. and Friday will be just plain long. 
I can do this. Let's be proactive, not reactive. Good luck this week. 

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