Monday, January 25, 2010

Productive day.

I got lots done early in the day and I'm hoping tomorrow can be the same. I have tons of reading and researching to do. I am really understanding how I used to gain weight and be clueless as to why. I am learning and tweaking my ways of planning meals and snacks so I can be happier and healthier. There is less anxiety when I know what I am going to eat all day and when so when I do feel hungary I can reach for a healthy snack in my bag rather than go to the vending machine or to a drive thru. I also have the chance to have a snack during the breaks in class instead of waiting until the end of class when I'm starving and I go to a drive thru and order so much more than I should. Slowly but surely I'm getting healthy and discovering new and unique things about me, it's been fun. 
Just keep trucking. It's a new day and a new you. You can be anything you want. 

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