Sunday, February 7, 2010

super bowl. of chips.

It's super bowl Sunday, woohoo. It should be fun, I'm not super into it, but the fun gatherings of people who have something in common is always good. I'm not super into football, I had to watch enough of my brothers games as a kid and I'm kind of over it. I am excited to hangout with my friends and catch up on things. I am just not going to worry about the food today, I'll do spin class tomorrow to burn it off, besides I went to the gym 4 times last week. 
If you are looking to be healthy today and are worried about the food, you can either eat before you go and just have a small plate around dinner time, so you don't graze or you can just make sure you are hungry before you put the next handful of chips on your plate. And fat tuesday is coming too, so watch it there too, this is a lifestyle not a diet so try to  be conscious of why you are eating and try to think about what is missing that you are trying to fill with food. For me, I eat because I'm angry, usually, and I get anxious about stuff, so I eat and study, then eat some more. I know that it is a lack of self confidence and I'm working on that, I know I am able and I can, but sometimes this world is just so negative that it's hard to be proud of who I am all of the time. We all need to just be a little kinder, me included. 
Have a great day. You are strong. 

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