I'm convinced that I am going to be crazy by the end of that class, if I was not already. To be perfectly honest, I was really on edge all day today, just dealing with the BS of nursing school and after I went to the gym and did that bodyflow class I felt so much better. So to all of you who have not tried yoga or ever had a savasana, sp? It is super restorative to the spirit. It gets me through the day and refocuses my energy. I love it. and I know I sound like such a hippie/yogi. I like it. I usually do bodyflow on wednesday but this week I didn't because I watched my nieces, which I would not trade, but it was just a long week. I also do yoga on tuesday and I didn't do that because I took Alli to school and it just took us too long to get out of the house so I did not have time and I had a thing at school I volunteered for. I know these are all excuses and I know we are all busy but I am hoping next week I can have a better schedule of working out and doing yoga. I did do spin twice this week so I'm not feeling too bad but I think I just missed my personal timeout during bodyflow and yoga class.
keep your body strong and your spirit wise.
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