Happy First Wednesday of the year. The gym was packed. I was good today. I did 15 minutes on the bike and then did bodyflow class. Slowly but surely I'm adding cardio.
How is the new year going so far? My new year has been good. I thought I had my life all planned out and it was looking good and life happens so my plans are tentative based on certain timing of events. I'm not go at that. I love having plan B (not the day after pill) but I just want things to be one way or another. I don't like the in between feeling. I'm not sure why I don't like it. Things will turn out fine either way. I'm sure it's a control thing and that's why I love working out so much. I have control of my body. I have control over the food that goes in my mouth. I also have control over the people I choose to surround myself with. I think that we should all look at the people around us and decide if they are going to be a good influence on us or not. Make a conscious choice to be around people you love and who have the same goals and interests as you. I went to my brothers house last night to watch BL, we all want to lose weight and be more active so I was an awesome time to get together where the focus was not food. Although we all enjoy a good meal together often times, it was so fun. I really need to push myself and my mom to be more social because we can be homebodies and never go out. It's a healthy part of human nature to interact with others, but try to make them healthy interactions.
"Love yourself as much as I do" Dr. Oz, but it's true; we have to love ourselves before we can truly change who we are into who we want to be.
ps tomorrow I'm trying skiing. I'll let you how it goes after I take a few advil. I have a feeling I will be super sore.
You're very right. Sometimes being a homebody is addicting--especially on days like today where it's cold & snowy. Can't wait for skiing--you'll be great! :) & BL was great. SO inspiring, as always. Keep up the good work, lady!