Thursday, January 21, 2010

lean cuisine day.

Georgia font and purple dedicated to my best friend. feel better soon. love you. 
I had two lean cuisines today and lots for fruits and veggies. and a slice of cake. and a mocha. I was good for the most part and the fact that I did spin today and almost died counts for something. I'm not feeling too guilty, but I do want to watch greys and have a sweet snack. 
So I'm interested in what fruits and veggies everyone likes. I love all of the above. My newest favorite is sweet potato, it's so sweet and I can just eat it baked without anything else and feel satisfied. On my way home from class at 7 pm today, I have cucumbers and carrot and an apple and they were fine, nothing special. I was so hungary and now that i'm eating my lean cuisine, I don't think I will finish it because I'm full, I guess it is helpful to eat an apple 20 minutes before a meal. I also had some sliced bell peppers earlier today.
Let's aim for 5 a day, it will keep us full and healthy. I got homework to do. let's me know how you are doing. 

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