Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I forgot the day again. Shoot.

So I need to find motivation to do more cardio exercise. I love yoga and bodyflow but I seem to be falling off the wagon with spin and other cardio activities. 
I did yoga this morning(awesome instructor btw), but I had Alli so I can only do one class at the gym. Maybe I'll try some of the walk away the pounds DVD we have. That way Alli can get involved. As I said before we did the yoga thing on fitTV, she was so cute last night she asked can we do this again and went into triangle pose, it was awesome, I knew exactly what she wanted to do. 
So maybe a walk with my dogs later? We'll see. 


  1. Those commercials for the EA sports wii thing look cool, you can punch stuff lol. You are doing awesome, keep it up! I'm starting back at the gym this week, whoot.

  2. I've seen it. Haven't tried it yet. but the wii sports and wii fit both have boxing type games. I don't really think of the wii as a workout but it's fun and better than sitting on my butt. I'm glad you are going to the gym. do you have a schedule and workouts planned? I think it may help. love you and thanks for your comments.
