Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm ready for spring. I do love snow like today. It snows like 2-3 inches and it's all melted off the streets by the time I leave the house. I could do without the wind. 
I'm back from my mcnugget attack and doing well. I'm trying to figure out the great debate in my head. I've heard from a few sources that weight loss is easier when we don't eat carbs with dinner or after. I can understand that but I also know that the brain can only function on carbs. I'd love some input on this. I understand that the liver can use the glycogen stores but I feel like I'm already borderline hypoglycemic in the morning so I don't think I will try it. I also do most of my school work in the evening/night time so I need some carbs to get through that. and by carbs I mean rice, bread, fruit and that stuff, not veggies. 

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