Friday, April 16, 2010


lately I'm having several emotions all at the same time and it's driving me crazy. figuratively. It's been difficult to choose which emotions are the best to play on at the moment. It's super hard to know if and how others are going to respond to the feelings that I express. I am finding some people in my life are so much stronger than I thought they were and that makes me so happy. It also allows me to lean on them a bit more. Then there are others who are weaker than I thought and have little insight to how their actions effect others. I'm not blaming these people, but I honestly want to know why they cannot understand that we all have responsibilities and that each of us prioritize things differently. 
Thank you to everyone in my life. I have learned something from each of you. I know this life is about learning and discovering new things each and everyday. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really awesome that you've realized that truly feeling emotions are a major part of living. It's easy to go through life numb--the hard part is to actually feel the feelings, especially the ones we'd rather not feel. I'm proud of you and I'm here when you need to talk. Love you.
