Monday, June 21, 2010


Sorry for being absent for over a month. My internet didn't work for like 2 weeks and then we went out of town and life has just been crazy.
But as for this journey we call's been good. I've been staying busy. I intern at a summer camp for elementary kids and run around with them three days a week and I have Alli the other two days during the week. Alli and I have gone swimming tons and to zoo a few times. She is getting more comfortable on her bike with training wheels.
I have been to the gym as much as I can but I have to say it's been more difficult than I expected.
ps in the time that I have been away I did complete the bolderBoulder which was amazing. I finished in just under 80 minutes, which is pretty good. I'm hoping for a better time next year. I have a feeling that it will become a routine event in my live. We also saw Dr. Oz there.
As for eating, well, it's been off and on. I can say that I have been listening to my body more so I stop when I'm full and I eat before I get super hungry. I eat pretty well during the week. I have found a delish breakfast that keeps me pretty full. I have a low fat whole grain natural frozen waffle and toast it, put some low fat cream cheese on it and put as many blueberries on it as I can. I pair this with a big cup of black coffee. yum! I have the coffee for the boost of caffeine and the whole grains totally keep me full. but watch out the eggo waffle have trans fat in them, I like the Van's ones.
what are your struggle and how can we help?
ps. YAY world cup!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha Jenny, you make me laugh and brighten up my day. Good for Alli! that's awesome!!! (: I miss you lots! XO Nicole.
