I hope we all can make some good choices this week. I know I did not this weekend, but tomorrow is a new day and I hope I'm ready for it.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
my work is done. well kinda.
So tonight we went out to dinner at red robin and I have to say I was super proud of Alli. She chose a corn dog, well not so good choice, and a salad on the side instead of fries. I'm so glad that they have that on the menu for one thing, but she actually ate it and enjoyed it. I'm so glad that I'm able to teach her those lessons and she is able to make smart choices about foods that will "make her big and strong and make her poopies come out" sorry to be so open about it. she gets constipated a lot and we have to give her foods with more fiber in them.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
my life in plus or minus 10 years.
I have decided to get my family nurse practitioner and an RN first assist. with the FNP you can do adults and peds, I'm leaning more towards adults but if i have both I more opportunity so why not get both in the amount of time. With the RNFA, I can be first assist in surgery and get the reimbursement as an NP. And as an NP I can really go into any specialty I want, ED,OR, medical/surgical or just a PCP office.
I really want to bridge the gap between primary care providers and the acute care setting. I really think that if we care for ourselves we will not be in the hospital as much and if there is one provider, and yes I hope it to be a nurse, then the continuity of care is so so much better.
I know I have so much work to do before I get there but I'm hopeful I can get there. I know that if we want to make this world a better and healthier place we have to put in the time and effort to serve others, but I know that if I do not take care of myself I cannot better the lives of others. Let's all decide to help others and better ourselves. I know it's hard but if we don't try nothing will ever change. Make one healthy choice today, baby steps is all it takes.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Cardio. Let's chat.
I think that cardio has much more to offer than I ever thought possible. Runner's high, yes! with any cardio. I get it from spin or my last chance WO with my BFF Jill. I'm learning to love it. It burns calories faster and supports healthy hearts. we burn more calories at rest when we do cardio too. What's not to love.
What gives you that high? if we can educate people and teach them to love cardio I predict that we can prevent a lot of premature death. We have to love it or we won't do it.
PS i figured out what I'm going to do with my life. I'm pretty excited about. and yes it will always include exercise.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
BL DVD oh yes!
So I tried the DVD, it was a killer. I did it after I did bodyflow class and the ideas are great. It's a cardio interval mix of exercises and I loved that. The exercise changes every 30 seconds, but the one downer is that i think it i will get old really fast especially if I do it daily. I guess at that point i will just buy a new DVD. I realized how out of shape I really am. I finished it and didn't give up but it was difficult to do the weights. I used 5lb handweights and I should have started with threes. I will know for next time. I also loved that all muscle groups are used. you know. there are push up and abs and cardio so it's a true total body workout. if anyone wants to do it with me I'm happy to have a group session, could be fun.
ps Alli started soccer this morning. she loves it. It think it will be hard to get her out of her new uniform. It starts when they are young. let's teach them well.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Am I a sucker for buying the BL last chance workout with Jillian Michaels? maybe, but it looks fun so I'm gonna try it out and see how it goes. it was only 9 bucks and that's probably about what I spend on coffee each week so it is money well spent. I miss the BL, but I am loving the olympics. shawn white. OMG. that's all I gotta say about it.
do what you like. like what you do. life is good. yes i stole it but it's so good, it just needs to be said more.
I'm going to mona lisa tonight, it's this fancy fondue place in manitou. I'm going to eat all that I want and not feel guilty about it. It's a treat and it's good to do that once in awhile.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
QUADS hurt. bad.
so Snowboarding was a good and bad idea. I missed the snow and quietness on the mountains but I can barely walk now. It's a good sore, but OMG, I need to slow it down just a bit.
That's about all I have for today, maybe some inspiration will come later. keep it real.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I missed it so much. I have had a small cold for the last couple weeks and I was finally able to do spin today. It was awesome as usual, but the best part was when the theme song to biggest loser was on. I almost had a heart attack, it made me so excited and motivated to push a little bit more.
I also did yoga and my quads might just fall off. I'm a little hesitant to go snowboarding tomorrow but it will be a good day. I finally have my wednesdays back and I want to make the most of them. It's all about balance and I think that I need some space to just think away from the busyness of life. I'm really trying to be consciously aware of emotional eating and I'm sure that's where the cupcake thing came from. I knew this week we would be talking about suicide in mental health and it's obviously a touchy subject for me but I'm aware of this and working on not being so shut down with my emotions regarding it.
Love you all and I hope that this is helping you to think about your health, physically, mentally and spiritually. You are loved.
Monday, February 15, 2010
cupcakes craving.
So yesterday I fell so deep into temptation, I'm hesitant to admit it. I had two not one, but two cupcakes. not the little small cute ones, or even homemade. I had two store bought, transfat full, lots of frosting cupcakes. They were so so good, and now I regret it because I have not been to the gym today. I may go after school but we'll see what the day holds. I did a little yoga this morning, but I have not done any cardio in almost 2 weeks. my hips officially hate me. I've been good today so far, but I really need to keep in mind the whole calorie thing.
count calories, it's the only way to really know what you are eating. The labels say a lot. I'm not saying you have to give up all your favorite foods, but just know when something is bad and compensate for it either with exercise or by decreasing intake of other foods during the day. It's hard but our whole society is facing a huge crisis of food and we are all dying of heart disease. please love yourself.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
during bodyflow class the instructor always says, when we are going into cobra pose from a high plank, "with strength and grace" lower half way down...and it really stands out to me. We all need a little more grace in our lives. I personally am trying to be kinder and more gracious with myself without lowering my standards. We can all be gentler with our own souls. I tend to expect the best from myself and if I fail I get angry and frustrated but I want to be able to learn and love myself for my imperfections. It's so hard though. I know that imperfections allow us to grow and love truly. True love is embracing the faults and seeing them as beauty.
love with grace.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
eating out.
So I resisted the temptation for apps and dessert at lunch today and it was hard. Hopefully tomorrow I can make it to the gym. I just need to get rid of this cold, argh. It's all about the balance and loving yourself. It's difficult to truly and 100% take care of yourself first but I think that it is necessary to do to achieve the best life and be present. Love life and live right now.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I have a small cold and it's making it difficult to workout. I didn't go on monday. I did do yoga today but I was so tired that I didn't really push myself like I usually do, so I'm a little upset about it but I know I'll get better and get back to it. I hate being sick and I thought that by working out I had boosted my immune system enough to get through this winter without getting sick. I'm not that sick and I and really just whining about it. Sorry.
I did have my sugar snap peas with hummus today at lunch with a chicken wrap. it was pretty good.
Loved BL btw. that chick from the red team is gone and it was in Colorado Springs. Way to represent. GOG, it was awesome.
I'm so ready for it to not be freezing. and maybe I just have the chills with my sickness, but it has been so cold. usually in CO it warms up and gets cold but it has been freezing for the last month. I need a couple days where it gets in the 50s and then cools down again.
btw, I am convinced that my cardio workout have gotten me a better test score on my test. I have read studies that say that doing cardio can improve focus and I'm sure that's that I did so well today. I did not study as much as I should have, but I'm feeling pretty good with 85. Yes, I always strive for better but I'm sick and I'm doing well in my other classes. I'm content and proud of myself.
ps I still haven't seen anyones food journals, where are they?
pps- don't over indulge in Chocolate just because it's valentines, give a hug. that makes everything better.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
super bowl. of chips.
It's super bowl Sunday, woohoo. It should be fun, I'm not super into it, but the fun gatherings of people who have something in common is always good. I'm not super into football, I had to watch enough of my brothers games as a kid and I'm kind of over it. I am excited to hangout with my friends and catch up on things. I am just not going to worry about the food today, I'll do spin class tomorrow to burn it off, besides I went to the gym 4 times last week.
If you are looking to be healthy today and are worried about the food, you can either eat before you go and just have a small plate around dinner time, so you don't graze or you can just make sure you are hungry before you put the next handful of chips on your plate. And fat tuesday is coming too, so watch it there too, this is a lifestyle not a diet so try to be conscious of why you are eating and try to think about what is missing that you are trying to fill with food. For me, I eat because I'm angry, usually, and I get anxious about stuff, so I eat and study, then eat some more. I know that it is a lack of self confidence and I'm working on that, I know I am able and I can, but sometimes this world is just so negative that it's hard to be proud of who I am all of the time. We all need to just be a little kinder, me included.
Have a great day. You are strong.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
sugar snap peas.
I went to costco today and got sugar snap peas and salad. I'm so excited. still need to go the regular grocery store for a few things, but I'm just so excited.
Tomorrow morning I'm making blueberry pancakes, oh yes. I want to read this book called french women don't get fat. it's not a diet, but it explains the lifestyle that can keep us healthy, i'll let you know how that goes as soon as I read it. It takes me awhile to read when I'm so busy so it may take until summer. better late than never.
Friday, February 5, 2010
planning meals.
I have learned one lesson this week both the hard way and the right way.
On Monday I went to a school function that was to provide lunch, I knew going into it, the lunch wouldn't be the healthiest but I had been to the gym and was feeling ok about having an unhealthy lunch, so when I arrive, I am right on time and all of the pizza that provided was gone. shoot, I was hungry too. So I had to suffer through an hour of stuff and got light headed because I had just come from the gym,( remember the calorie intake/workout one), and I had to wait even longer to eat because I chose not to make my lunch.
So today, I made my lunch and I was able to resist the temptation of fast food, although I wanted it so badly. I feel very good about my food choices today, I did make it to the gym too. Alli tried spaghetti squash and asparagus at dinner. It was super healthy. I'm looking forward to grocery shopping tomorrow, sugar snap peas and hummus will be the snack of the week. I also want to just be more creative this week, I will have a little bit more free time. I am going to make homemade tortillas and make enchiladas with them, yum. I usually stuff them with sauteed onions and lots of veggies so I can use less cheese. I use the fire roasted tomato sauce by kroger, it's in a jar. It's pretty good. and a good sauce to have on hand.
try to make good choices at your superbowl party.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I have this issue around chips. if I have one, I'll have a hundred. ok that's an exaggeration but I love chips and I've started to have peppers or sugar snap peas to get the crunch of the chips but I miss the salt so so much so I go back to chips after a few days. I don't really know why but I crave chips so badly. working on this whole thing all the time. I do know that I have lower than normal BP it's around 110/60 so I get light headed a lot but not when I have enough salt/calories. so I'm trying to balance my calories so I do burn all my sugars too quickly especially when I do spin class or any other intense cardio.
I need some ideas for low cal salty crunchy snacks. and not fat free pringles -no good.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I gotta make this quick my favorite show starts soon. woo hoo.
I registered for the bolderboulder today. I'm proud that I'm doing this. I'm a little intimidated but I know that it will be so fun and make encourage me to do more races. I haven't been running much as you well know, but I think that this is what is going to motivate me to begin the real training that is involved with running.
I did yoga today. awesome again and I was amazed with some of the moves again, it's so great that we can push our bodies so far and they still treat us so well. So thanks to God for that awesomeness of human.
Gotta spend sometime with Bob and Jill now.
Monday, February 1, 2010
a new month, new week, new me.
I made it through spin today. I wasn't sure I would but I did. I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of all of you who make time to take care of your body. It's the only one you have.
I'm kind at a loss for words right now. I have a lot to do and a lot on my mind that has nothing to do with fitness and wellbeing. So I guess that is where I should start. How often are we preoccupied with something? I know I am a lot, and yoga has helped me to focus on something and just let the thoughts come and go. It's helping but I still get focused on something and it causes some anxiety for me until it's done or I can do something to change it and if I can't change it...that's when trouble starts, I dwell on things that I cannot change. It's so hard and sometimes it's good and I get crazy focused on the things that I can change, like cleaning, but sometimes it's bad and I should be doing something but I can't at that exact moment. LIke worrying about family when I'm at school and I need to do school but it's not a pressing school issue that needs to be done right then. It's hard to explain. I hope it makes some sense.
So my point to all of this is to be in the moment. live right now. think right now.
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